Harlem Night Club

Harlem Night Club 

Sleek black boys in a cabaret.
Jazz-band, jazz-band,–
Play, plAY, PLAY!
Tomorrow….who knows?
Dance today!

White girls’ eyes
Call gay black boys.
Black boys’ lips
Grin jungle joys.

Dark brown girls
In blond men’s arms.
Jazz-band, jazz-band,–
Sing Eve’s charms!

White ones, brown ones,
What do you know
About tomorrow
Where all paths go?

Jazz-boys, jazz-boys,–
Play, plAY, PLAY!
Tomorrow….is darkness.

Joy today!

Image result for inside the cotton club
Langston Hughes was someone who yearned for racial integration, as evident in the poem "Harlem Night Club." In the poem Hughes depicts a particular night club as an integrated place of celebration. A safe haven of sorts, free from the pain of the outside segregated world. Like most of his poems during this time, there is also a clear lyrical pace to the poem.

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